(Note: "crown" feature can only be used when the case is closed.)
MUST BE ORDERED SEPARATELY FROM ANYTHING ELSE! Additional shipping charges WILL be invoiced if this is included in an order with other items.
21.5 lb | 25.5" high (Wheels Included), 14.5" wide, 10" deep
If you choose the Factory 2nd, the likely flaw is as below. "a black mark or marks.” These can extend to all sides of the case. Examples:
As of Feb. 2, Factory 2nds now come with a matching “Go for it, with style!” patch to cover one black mark. Use E6000 glue (not included) to attach to the Case.
(Measurements are nominal. "Crown" feature can be used only when the top is closed.)
all sales are final on factory seconds. No returns or exchanges.