The same awesome Glam'r Gear™ Solo Carry-On - same features, same style, same everything... with irregularities that do not affect the primary function. MAJOR SAVINGS!!!
We do NOT restock these bags, and we never plan to have them. While filling orders, if a bag doesn't quite meet our standards, we may list it as a 'factory 2nd.' So, there is no knowing when, or even IF we'll ever have any.
TYPE LEGEND for Listings:
Coupons may NOT be used on factory seconds. Curtain is sold SEPARATELY.
Factory seconds sell VERY quickly. If you've received a notification email stating it's in stock, yet you don't see any, it means they already sold out again! Photos may show original style bags, but only NEW style bags will be listed.
If noted as "Refurbished," it has been made "like new" by us, and may or may not have replacement parts.
All sales of factory seconds are final. We do not offer images or descriptions of individual factory second bags. No returns. No exchanges. Factory seconds are covered under our warranty for function only.